Never Hire An Intuitive Business Coach

Should I Hire An Intuitive Business Coach?
This is a question I see splashed all across the internet, all day every day. Should I hire an intuitive business coach? Will this help me grow my business?
Will I learn how to get clients? When you're first starting out in your business, or even if you've been struggling to figure things out on your own for 2 or 3 years, it's VERY confusing. Especially for my clients.
Spiritual Entrepreneurs Have Different Needs
I work exclusively with Spiritual Entrepreneurs. These are people who want to HELP others. They want to help their clients connect with the deeper parts of themselves, their own Inner Knowing, or to their Divine Source. (Note: this has NOTHING to do with religion).
Many of my clients are Tarot Readers, Reiki Healers, Angel Card Readers, Energy Workers, Witches, or Oracle Readers.
Some of my clients use these practices in their own business but don't necessarily work with their clients in this way.
For example, I've worked with Life Coaches, Doulas, Mom Coaches, Postpartum Coaches, and even Chefs (!) who have their own spiritual practices but do not do readings or healings with their clients. They do, however, want to help people deeply transform their own lives.
Pushy and Salesy "Bro Marketing" Doesn't Work for My Clients
Because of this, the general pushy advice on the internet DOESN'T work for my clients. We don't do funnels with webinars that hold you hostage until the end with 3 upsells, 2 downsells, and 4 cross-sells.
We don't yell and scream at people and tell them, "If you don't buy my $10,000 program, you will die alone with cats!" That kind of shit is SLEAZY. No one needs a coach who acts like an angry Drill Sergeant.
Overly Flouncy "Divine Feminine" Marketing Also Doesn't Work
Unfortunately, because people are so sick of the yelling and high-pressure sales, they've gone COMPLETELY the opposite direction, into overly "feminine" marketing.
This World is filled with sparkles, unicorns, and gold and pink websites. SOOOOOO MANY Gold and Pink Websites. And cursive fonts that you can't even read.
There's nothing wrong with sparkles and rainbows, but if you don't mix in some grounded actionable steps too, then you're not really helping your clients.
Plus, the idea that you HAVE TO keep out men in order to create a Safe Space isn't really helping everyone progress. I think we've seen enough division lately, so creating an US Versus Them mentality in business just doesn't make sense.
The Rise of Intuitive Marketing and Intuitive Business
Because these two extremes were created, neither of which works for Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Intuitive marketing and Intuitive Business started taking shape.
The concept sounds great - figure out what works for YOU and your business. Listen to your own Inner Guidance. Don't do things that don't feel good for you. But this can actually cause a LOT of issues in your business.
Why Intuitive Business Doesn't Work
There are a LOT of things that you are going to need to listen to your intuition on in your business. Like which colors to use, what program to launch next, and whether or not you have the energy to livestream or do videos on a particular day.
Unfortunately, many of your business decisions are Counter-Intuitive.
This means that you're going to need to stretch and grow yourself into doing things that you aren't 100% sure about or that feel off.
Usually because what you think is "intuition" is actually FEAR. Fear of getting on camera. Fear of saying what you really mean.
Fear that people are going to attack you or yell at you or that you aren't thin enough or don't have the right clothes or you don't look good in pictures... It goes ON and ON...
And it's REALLY difficult to figure out what's truly your intuition, and what is just fear. Because fear is so damn uncomfortable!
You'll often find that in order to grow your business, you'll need to test things out. You'll have to actually DO things that are uncomfortable to find out if it's right for you.
I've seen this over and over again when running livestream challenges, with clients who used to say, "Livestreaming and video just isn't authentic for me." But who now say, "Yeah, I was just really afraid to get on camera - now I LOVE livestreaming!"
The Problems with Intuitive Business Coaching
This is part of the reason Intuitive Business Coaching DOESN'T work! Many so-called "intuitive" coaches will tell you that you that whatever you decide is the RIGHT decision for you.
They do not support your growth. They do not stretch you to confront your fears or become more.
They often see themselves as a cheerleader who tells you to "find the answers within." Incidentally, this is because they don't have any answers for you.
This idea is actually touted by some of the largest - and I would say most misguided - Coaching Certification Programs out there, who tell their Coaches never to give someone answers, only support them in finding their own.
This is especially true of ICF (International Coaching Federation) Coaches. Do not believe that you will get any practical advice from any of them as their regulations do not allow them to give answers.
Intuitive Coaches Almost Never Have Prior Business Experience
Part of the reason that so many people have become Intuitive Business Coaches is because they believe they don't HAVE to know the answers. 9 out of 10 have never run a successful business in the past.
They literally threw up a sign on Facebook and said, "I'm a Business Coach!" because they believe it will be an easy way to make money.
Because the Coaching Industry is unregulated, it is up to the consumer to understand this, and know that you are working with someone who not only WON'T give you answers, but they CAN'T give you answers.
It's even worse because the ICF, one of the largest coaching certification programs in the World, ENCOURAGES this behavior. Their motto is to only support the person in finding answers, not providing them.
This DOES NOT WORK in Business Coaching!
Because they don't know any answers, many intuitive business coaches are merely repeating information they hear in free networking groups or that they got from watching a free webinar. It's not real advice, and it's not going to get you anywhere in your business.
My Clients' Experiences with Intuitive Business Coaches
The majority of my clients come to me while they are working with an Intuitive Business Coach or after they have finished.
While some of my clients work with me before they try anyone else, most have already worked with someone and failed to get anywhere in their business.
They are frustrated, sick that they spent money on someone and have nothing to show for it, and don't understand why their business isn't working for them.
Many, many of my clients have worked with Intuitive Business Coaches for 6 months, and STILL do not have a program or offer that they can go and and sell.
This is a travesty! I help my clients put together a program and start offering it to their clients the FIRST DAY we have worked together. If you don't leave my Clarity and Focus session with a program you can sell that same day, priced, and knowing what to say to attract new clients within 48 hours, I've failed you as a consultant.
Self-proclaimed business coaches who take your money for months on end and haven't helped you put together a program or supported you in making sales are a complete failure and waste of your time and money.
My Own Experience Working with An Intuitive Business Coach
My own experience was the same. It's embarrassing to say, but I also fell into the trap of working with an Intuitive Business Coach who had never owned a successful business outside of intuitive coaching on the internet.
This was early into my online experience before I knew any better. I was glamoured by her marketing and promises of things working out.
Unfortunately, the only thing that worked out was her pocketbook. $15,000 later, and my business hadn't really progressed anywhere. The calls were frustrating as Hell, too! I'd ask a question and she'd say, "Look inside. What do you feel the answer is?"
Bitch, if I KNEW the answer, I could have Googled it and saved my $15,000!
The Results of Working with an Intuitive Business Coach
Besides the frustration of working with and intuitive business coach and getting zero answers and no results, it also takes a HUGE hit to your Self-Esteem.
Now maybe you didn't waste $15,000 on an intuitive coach. Maybe it was just a few hundred or a couple of thousand dollars.
Maybe you're still trying to justify what you got out of your work together.
But if you haven't gotten REAL results and create a REAL program or package that you can offer to REAL client's, it's going to eat away at your subconscious
Your thoughts will vary from, "How could I have put so much money into this? How could I have possibly fallen for this?" to, "What is wrong with me?" and, "Maybe I'm just not cut out to own a business." Let me tell you right now: If you have a dream of a business that helps others, you ARE cut out for business. And you're not stupid.
Many of my clients come to me feeling embarrassed and ashamed that they invested money with someone who didn't give them the information they needed and didn't help them in the way that they promised.
They often tell me that they feel stupid for the whole thing, and they're afraid to try again or invest more money because what if it's another mistake?
So many people for working with these people. Not only have these Coaches convinced Spiritual Entrepreneurs that they are great ("because you HAVE to have a good mindset first!"), but they have also convinced THEMSELVES that they are actually helping people and that they are qualified to do the work.
Most are completely unaware that their particular brand of Fluffy Spirituality, "Love and Light," and "High Vibes Only" BS along with their lack of business knowledge is actually hurting people a lot.
They're on their own special Positivity Power Trip, and they're taking a lot of people along for the ride.
After Working with an Intuitive Business Coach Doesn't Work
Once your time with your Intuitive Business Coach is up, you have some decisions to make. Are you going to keep working with her to "get over your mindset issues?" for example.
Here's the truth about mindset and confidence: You are NEVER going to be able to COMPLETELY journal or think your way to confidence.
You are NEVER going to feel completely ready to post, share your REAL opinions, tell people about your business, or livestream. Ever.
The ONLY way to feel ready is to actually DO the thing. So to sign up for more Coaching around this in order to "Finally Feel Ready," isn't going to work.
ACTION is the only thing that helps you feel ready. This is why you need a real business coach who will push you to do the things you are afraid of.
The Difference with Real Business Coaches
Real business Coaches push you to face your fears. We hold you accountable to what you say you want, and we support you even though we KNOW it's hard.
We know it's hard because WE'VE ACTUALLY BEEN THERE. We didn't jump online and hang out a shingle saying "Business Coach" with no prior experience.
My Own Journey As a Business Coach
I often call myself a "Reluctant" Business Coach. I wasn't sure in the beginning if that's even what I wanted to do, even though people KEPT ASKING me for advice.
I started my first business when I was just 12 years old. I created little Puff Balls called Googly Eyed Critters, and I went door to door all summer selling them for a $1 each.
I learned a LOT about market research, production, and even hired a friend to start making them while I covered sales. After splitting the profit 50/50, I made $247 that summer!
Over the years I had different businesses. I did my obligatory stint in Amway (as everyone coming up in the 90's did!).
As soon as I turned 18, I got my first Official Business Card, complete with my pager number. I was SO proud of that card, although now it kind of reminds me of these guys and "Prestige Worldwide" 😆
My Journey Continues
Over the years, I studied Psychology, got my PhD and 2 Master's Degrees, and became a Mental Health Therapist, which I did for almost 13 years total. It's where I started developing Tarot Therapy to use with my clients.
I also owned a successful pet sitting business in Seattle. Around the time my husband and I moved to Oregon, I became a full-time Tarot reader.
I made my first 6 figures doing this, and I didn't work nights, weekends, or parties. On occasion I'd do a fair or local Mind, Body, Spirit type of event.
But even then I'd leave with hundreds or thousands of dollars - while other people were struggling to make enough to cover their booth rental!
People started asking me HOW I had so many clients, how I could make so much at fairs, and why did I have long lines of people and a waiting list for readings ALL the time.
They also wanted to know how they could actually make money without working all hours of the night and day, and actually maybe have a weekend off sometime or at least some evenings to spend with their families.
THAT'S when I started helping people with their businesses. Because I had the answers they were looking for.
Over time I realized this is EXACTLY what I need to be doing! I LOVE entrepreneurs, can't imagine working at a day job (I've tried), and I firmly believe that business is the Great Equalizer, especially for women, people of color, and gay and lesbian folks (by the by, I'm bi, I just pass because I married a man).
How to Choose Your Business Coach
If you want to work with a Business Coach, first of all, make sure they have had a business BEFORE they start Business Coaching.
That, first and foremost, is absolutely priority #1.
Next, make sure they are willing to GIVE you answers! Imagine you are in the ocean, and not doing too well. Maybe a big wave comes up and rolls you under. You feel like you might be drowning.
Your Coach is standing on the shore, clapping her hands, cheering, and yelling, "You have the answer within you! You've Got this!!!"
Pretty fucking ridiculous, right?
Now imagine that same scenario, but instead of standing on the beach watching you struggle, your Coach jumps in the ocean.
She swims towards you yelling for you to keep kicking, stay calm, don't give up! She throws a life preserver towards you, and encourages you to grab it, "You can do it! I know you can do this!"
She is right there WITH you.
This is the difference between an Intuitive Business Coach and a REAL Business Coach.
We know the struggle.
We will dive in with you. We will do EVERYTHING in our power to get you help and get you through this.
While one type of Coach stands on the sidelines and yells that you've got this, we jump in and say, "We've got this." We know YOU have to do the work, but we are ALL IN with you. We are rooting for you every step of the way.
Other Things to Look for In Your Coach
There are other qualities that you'll want to look for in a Coach, too. For example, someone who honors the fact that sometimes you just have Bad Days.
Being an Entrepreneur is tough, especially if you aren't consistently making $10,000 - $25,000 a month (or whatever your goal is).
Until you get to the point where you feel like you can breathe around your finances, a LOT of shit is going to come up, especially if (like most of us) you grew up very poor. Sometimes you're going to rant.
Sometimes you're going to cry. Sometimes you're going to want to throw a pity party.
If your Coach tells you that you shouldn't allow those feelings and should "Stay High Vibe Only!" then you need to get away from her. She is Re-traumatizing you.
Ignoring your feelings or trying to feel better too quickly actually traps negative energy IN your body.
Suppressing your feelings MAKES THEM WORSE.
Work with a Coach who understands this. Someone who acknowledges your feelings and helps you process them without getting trapped in a negative or downward spiral.
Also make sure that your Coach has some experience working with people in your industry. Make sure they don't ONLY recommend expensive funnel or "all-in-one" systems (so they can get their affiliate payments through you signing up).
And just make sure you vibe with them on some level. For example, if you're very quiet and like very quiet people ALL the time, I mean even when you're hanging out with your besties, then find yourself a more quiet Coach. (NOT me).
But if you don't mind loud, rambunctious, full of life, slightly obnoxious, and always irreverent Coaches, then maybe I'm your gal.
Should We Work Together?
I have a unique approach working with clients, where you can contact me multiple times a week, get support, and get the answers you need.
I'll also draw Tarot cards for you - check out my Elevate Program.
If you need help creating an offer, you'll need the Clarity and Focus Session FIRST. You can find Elevate and the Clarity and Focus Session here.
Remember, Keep the End Results In Mind!
When you hire a Business Coach, you want to think about what results you want. I help my clients create Programs and Packages that they can start selling as soon as possible.
Because I want them to succeed and get paying clients in their business! To do this, we create UNIQUE programs with each client based on their Gifts, talents, and interests.
We also help them understand how to talk about their programs and how to find out if it's something a person is interested in. We talk about pricing and where to find clients - without paying for ads, and even if you don't have a website.
I also work with my clients with their mindset AND their energy. No other program I know of gives you ALL THREE tiers of what it really takes to create a successful business. That is:
Mindset, Energy, and Strategy
Some Coaches help you with mindset but no strategy. Some Healers help you with Energy but not mindset or Strategy.
Most business coaches only focus on Strategy, and leave out the important aspects of Mindset and Energy, which is why so many of their clients fail.
I'm interested in helping you in ALL these aspects.
If that sounds like something you'd like to experience, let's talk.