5 Ways Introverts Can Attract New Clients

5 Ways Introverts Can Attract New Clients

Being an Introvert is Tough

In a World full of internet noise and feeling like the loudest people win, you may feel like you're alone. Being an introvert (or an empath) means that you see and feel much more than other people.

It's for this reason that you often feel like you need to seclude yourself, take time out, and spend time alone in order to recharge. But in our Hustle World of creating content and working 70 hours+ a week on our business as the norm, you may be wondering how you can take time for you AND get it all done. 

The Old Definitions Versus the New Definition of Introvert

In the past, being an introvert was defined as being shy or reticent. This is why many psychological tests or even Meyers-Briggs results may seem "off" to you.

The new definition of an introvert is someone who needs to rest and recharge after spending time with other people. Many introverts are actually outgoing around the Right types of people, like their best friends.

Or people who love long books. Or they find that they enjoy connecting with people online through livestreams and other social media. These people are often referred to as Ambiverts. 

Humans are Made for Connection

Even if you enjoy spending 90% of your time alone, there is still room and a need to connect to others. Not only is connection a human trait, but it is also a spiritual one as well.

What good is the mystic in the cave if she doesn't at least see others and share her wisdom from time to time? The best part about being an introvert is that you have the best of both Worlds.

You can be around others, especially when they are engaging in deep and meaningful conversation, and you enjoy your own thoughts and ideas so you can easily spend time without other physical beings around. 

Don't Mistake Trauma for Introversion

One of the biggest issues not often addressed in spiritual communities is that many people withdraw into extreme introversion as a result of trauma.

You may find people who say they prefer to be alone all the time, or that they only want to go somewhere far from any other people and live off the grid where they never have to interact with another Soul.

This attitude is unhealthy and stems from trauma from either this life or from past lives. Part of our purpose here is to connect with others, to support their growth and understanding (as well as our own), and to find joy and peace in this life.

If you find yourself saying that you NEVER want to be around anyone else, if you refuse to accept any help and always prefer to do everything yourself, and especially if you ever find yourself saying, "I wish I had more friends," even as you insist that you are okay or fine on your own, check in with your Guides and Inner Knowing, and consider working with a Healer to release any unresolved issues.

Not all introversion is a result of trauma, but introversion taken to the extreme (as anything taken to the extreme) is a legitimate problem. It lowers your vibration and and stunts your spiritual growth. 

How to Attract Clients as an Introvert

There are many ways to connect with your clients and grow your business as an introvert! Don't despair when you see so many extroverted (or seemingly extroverted) people online.

The very best news is that you DON'T have to act like everyone else screaming online, and you don't have to work so many hours to "show up everywhere" in order to make an impact. In fact, many of my clients (and myself) find 24 - 30 hour workweeks ideal.

Part of that time is spent alone journaling, doing healing and energy work, and running Golden Ray Activations in order to boost the energy of our businesses. Here are 5 ways to attract new clients as an introvert:

1. Be Yourself

Whether you are loud or quiet, there is an audience out there waiting for you. Some of the most soft-spoken people have wildly successful businesses. In fact, a lot of people prefer someone who speaks more slowly and softly than the average online marketer.

As long as people can hear you, then you'll be fine. You do not have to try to be funny if you're not. You don't have to sing or dance if it feels awkward. You don't have to DO anything that others are doing in order to get attention.

The only thing you have to do, is be yourself. The more authentic and aligned you are, the more the RIGHT clients will find you, and they will be so happy that you are you.

2. Write Your Manifesto

A crucial part of attracting the right clients to your business, those who love and support you and want to buy your products and services, is to know what your business stands for.

People like to rally around causes that are important to them, so if your business represents something they love and agree with, then they will be much happier clients. If you're not sure how to write your Manifesto, check out the tips here.

3. Focus on One Thing

Spiritual people hate to hear this, but to get your business started, you need to focus on ONE thing first. Get that going, and then you can build another thing, and another, and another.

But if you try to skip this step, you'll never get much of anything going, and all the people you are here to help will be missing out. Your one (first) thing can be a program or a package or even a reading or healing session.

It helps clients understand what you do, and identify whether or not they want to work with you.

Bonus: If you offer one thing and someone isn't ready for it but loves your energy, they will often contact you and ask if there are other ways you can work together. At that point you can privately offer them anything. It's a win-win!

Think of it this way: Michelangelo was an accomplished painter and sculptor. He is considered the quintessential Renaissance Man.

But he didn't jump from one project to another, leaving half-finished work all over the place! He focused on projects until their completion, unlike many of his counterparts, some of who have LONG lists of unfinished works.

Michelangelo spent 3 years on the Sistine Chapel alone! Fortunately for the modern Spiritual Entrepreneur, you don't have to spend 3 years on any one focus. You can put your energy and attention into one project for as little as one month and start to see amazing results. 

4. Get Clear on What You Want

It's hard to manifest what you desire when you don't know what that is. Take some time to look at the results you want in your business.

How many people do you want to help? How much do you want to donate to your favorite cause? How much do you need to make in order to create the lifestyle you want for your family?

Write it all out so that the Universe knows what to send your way. Many Spiritual Entrepreneurs forget to set their intentions and goals for themselves, especially when they are introverts. The 2025 Tarot Business Planner can help keep you on track.

This is like going to a restaurant and saying, "I'll have food, please." Since you are always manifesting anyway, it's a good idea to put that energy into a specific direction or outcome.

5. Follow Your Intuition

Finally, the most important part of attracting new clients as an introvert is to follow your intuition. For example, I did this years ago and grew my Facebook group when people told me, "You need to focus on your business page. Groups will never work."

But within a few years, those same people were starting their own groups and teaching others how to use them in their business. Sometimes your intuition will tell you that something just isn't for you.

No matter what the gurus say, growing your business a specific way or trying to follow the algorithm just won't feel authentic or right to you.

The key to finding YOUR clients is to get really clear on how you want to grow your business.

Be aware that sometimes your fear will pop up disguised as intuition, and you may say things like, "I can't livestream - it's not authentic to me." When what you really mean is, "I'm afraid to livestream." Or, "I don't know what to say on livestreams."

Sometimes you have to do something to discover whether it was really your intuition or your fear talking. I have hundreds of clients who now love livestreaming, even though at first they thought it was something they could not do.

So try things out. Listen to your intuition. Find that connection in your body and if you have some psychic message or download, follow it. Your business will grow in ways you never dreamed possible as you meet more people and attract incredible clients!