3 Crystals To Attract New Clients

3 Crystals To Attract New Clients

The Energy Of Attracting New Clients

Getting new clients doesn't have to be so difficult. For Spiritual Entrepreneurs, we can attract new clients by raising our vibration, healing, and putting our upleveled energy into the World.

Crystals can help speed up this process and serve as a beacon to let new clients know that we are ready to connect with and serve them. 

3 Crystals That Will Help You Attract New Clients

By using the 3 Crystals below, you will open up new pathways to allowing and receiving new clients, seemingly out of nowhere.  Use these Crystals any time and especially before and during Launches, when you livestream, or in the other ways suggested for each of their uses.

Selenite and Its Properties

Selenite is a calming stone that helps you gain clarity and focus by releasing any anxieties and worries. It clears confusion and helps you see the deeper meaning to things. It can be used for spiritual connection as well as in meditation and healing ceremonies.

Selenite is connected with the Crown Chakra and activates and cleanses your aura. It is also connected to the Angelic Realms and is a crystal of healing and protection. 

How To Use Selentie to Attract New Clients

Hold your Selenite and get into a comfortable sitting meditative position. Take a few deep breaths and ground and center yourself. Imagine a white healing light coming in through your Crown Chakra all the way down into your Heart Center.

See this light expanding throughout your body, then encircling your entire body and your aura, cleansing and filling every part of you with white healing light. 

Now think about your business and the program you are currently offering to your clients. You might picture this as a square or some geometric shape, or as a building where your business is located. 

See the white light enter your business and fill it completely with loving, healing energy.  Now see all of the possible beings in the Universe walking by your business.

See the white light go out to some of them, activating and energizing those who are meant to be your Soul Clients.  See these beings happily and eagerly walking towards your business, excited to work with you and receiving the support, guidance, and love that they have been looking for. 

When you are ready, bring this white healing light back into your Heart Center, then ground it and release it with gratitude, knowing that your Divine Right Clients are on the way.  

Sodalite and Its Properties

Sodalite brings calmness and clarity to the mind. It activates rational thought and helps you connect with your truth and Inner Knowing. 

Sodalite is connected with the Third Eye chakra, which helps you connect with your intuition and psychic abilities, as well as your Throat Chakra, which helps you tell others about your Truth.

Sodalite connects you with your own self-trust and can boost your confidence, especially when sharing about your business with others. 

How To Use Sodalite To Attract New Clients

Grab a notebook and your favorite pen and sit at your office desk. Hold your Sodalite for a few moments, breathing deeply and asking it for clarity in your business. 

Ground and Center yourself, then see your Third Eye Chakra opening and connected to the Sodalite as well as to the Universal Consciousness. If you work in the Akashic Records, you can also connect with them at this time. 

You can now sit the Sodalite on your desk and write down what you want next in your business. What program or offer are you creating right now to help your clients? 

Write down what it will look like, how it will change your clients' lives, and what it feels like.  Then write down all of the things that you feel like it "should" look like. All of the things that you have heard of that you are "supposed" to do. 

Release those items that do not feel good to you to your Sodalite crystal.

Reconnect with your Third Eye Chakra and ask for guidance on how to make an offer that will help your clients based on what YOU want to do. 

Spend at least 10 minutes writing down all of the aspects of your program and any ideas that come to you. Go back through the list and decide what you would like your program to look like, and how much you will charge for it.

Ground your energy and close your Third Eye Chakra. Thank the Sodalite, and if you feel ready, create a post or do a livestream about your new program and invite new clients to join you.

Charoite and Its Properties

Charoite is a stone of healing and transformation. It transmutes negative energies and cleanses the aura as well as the chakras. Charoite reduces stress and anxiety and is re-energizing. It helps you overcome fear and is connected to the Violet Ray.

Charoite is connected to the Heart Chakra. It opens our hearts to unconditional love and helps us see the support and well-being of the Universe. 

How To Use Charoite To Attract New Clients

Lay down (unless you fall asleep or find this more comfortable sitting up) and hold your Charoite Crystal next to your Heart. Ground and center yourself, and align with your own Well-Being. 

Open your Crown Chakra and connect with the energy of the Violet Flame. See this energy entering into your Crown Chakra, cleansing both the front and the back of the Chakra.  Now pull this energy down, cleansing the front and back of each of your Chakras in turn.

You may see this as a spiraling out motion spinning out in either direction. I see the cleansing energy turning counter-clockwise out the fronts of my chakras, and clockwise out the backs.

Do whatever works for you.  Cleanse your Third Eye Chakra, both the front and the back, your Throat Chakra, both the front and the back, your Heart Chakra, both the front and the back, your Solar Plexus Chakra, both the front and the back, your Sacral Chakra, both the front and the back, and your Root Chakra, both the front and the back. 

See the Violet Flame energy split and run through both of your legs, energizing and connecting them to the rest of your body, down through your feet, and down into the Earth, where it meets back together in the Earth Star Chakra, about a foot below you. 

Feel the energy as it grounds you deeply onto this planet, then send it down into the Earth, connecting to the Core of the Earth.

Gather the energy of the Core of the Earth, mixed together with the Violet Flame energy, and bring it back up into your body, allowing it to pause briefly at each of your Chakras, then settling into your Heart Center.

Now expand the energy into your Heart Center, and invite your Divine Right Clients there. Connect with them and fill them with the energy, letting love, happiness, and gratitude flow through each of you.

Expand the number of clients to include hundreds, then thousands, reaching as far as the eye can see. See yourself connecting with and sending love and gratitude to each one. Invite your clients to show up in your presence in the physical realm.

Now release them and send the energy back through your Crown Chakra, back up into the Universe. Close your Crown Chakra and ground any extra energy back into the Earth.

What To Do Next

Crystals can help you connect to your Higher Self and higher energy as well as your clients' energies. They help raise your vibration to the level so that people can see you and become curious about wanting to work with you.

For clients who are already destined to work with you, this can make them find you and come from seemingly nowhere.

Use crystals to energize, heal, and protect your business, and you will start to see new people who are ready and willing to pay you for your services.